Create a New Activity
To create a new activity Any targeted action or measure taken by a company to promote its products or services, attract customers, or increase sales., follow these steps:
In Uptempo, click Activities in the navigation sidebar.
In the Activities section, click Create Activity. The button is available on both the Timeline and Summary views:
The Create Activity panel opens with the Type page displayed.
You can also create a new activity directly under an existing activity, which will automatically set that activity as the new activity's parent. For details, see Create New Activities Directly Under Existing Activities.
On the Type page:
Use the Activity type
A template for activities that defines what attributes are available and required, and what workflows are associated with the activity. list to select the type of activity you want to create from the available options. You can also type a keyword into the field to search for matching options.
Use the Parent list to select the activity under which you want to create this new activity in the hierarchy
The organizational structure of folders, sub-folders and investment plans in Spend.. You can also type a keyword into the field to search for matching options.
Note: Depending on the rules set up in your Uptempo environment, selecting a parent activity may be optional for some activity types.
Click Next.
The Details page is displayed.
On the Details page:
Enter a name for your new activity into the Name field.
Optional: To set the date range when this activity will be in-market, use the In-market Dates fields to choose a start and end date.
Depending on the activity type you selected, additional attribute fields may be displayed. Complete any other attributes as needed: if an attribute is marked with an asterisk (*), it is required and you must select or enter a value before you can proceed.
Note: If you see the icons
next to an attribute name, then these attributes are part of a dependency. Hover over the icon to see information about which other attribute is part of the dependency:
The options that you can select in the dependent attribute are controlled by the value of the controlling attribute. If no option is selected for the controlling attribute, then no options are valid for the dependent attribute. If the controlling attribute is a multi-select field, the available dependent options will be the combination of the valid options for each selected controlling option. -
Click Next.
The Budget page is displayed.
On the Budget page:
Optional: To enter a cost estimate for this activity, use the Estimated Costs field. For instructions, see Estimating Activity Costs.
Optional: To connect this activity to an investment, click Add funding source. For instructions, see Connecting Activities to Financial Items.
Click Next.
The Impact page is displayed.
The specification of attributes can have an influence on the calculation of the performance plan data. We therefore recommend that you first edit all attributes of the activity on the Details tab. Only then calculate the performance plan data. For more details see Planned Impact.
On the Impact page:
Optional: If the parent activity you selected on the Type page allows child activites with performance data (or if the activity you're creating does not have a parent), you can configure the performance data here. For instructions, see Configuring Planned Impact.
If no additional steps are displayed after the Impact step, skip to step 8.
If a Workflow step is available, click Next.
The Workflow step is displayed.
On the Workflow step:
Optional: If the activity is linked with a workflow, decide when the workflow will be started:
If the workflow is to be started with the creation of the activity, select the Automatically create the workflow checkbox.
If the workflow is to be started at a later time, clear the Automatically create the workflow checkbox.
Click Submit to finish creating the activity.
The Create Activity panel closes, and the new activity's Details panel opens automatically.
You have successfully created the activity. You can now make changes to the new activity in the Details panel, or close the panel if you want to do something else.

You can connect activities at various levels (plan, campaign A coordinated series of marketing activities aimed at achieving a specific marketing goal., program, etc.) to one or multiple investments in Uptempo Spend. You can do this either as part of creating an activity, or on an existing activity.
To connect activities to investments, follow these steps:
On the activity where you want to connect investments, open the Budget page:
While creating a new activity, go to the Budget page in the Create Activity panel.
For an existing activity, go to the Activities section and click on the activity in the hierarchy to open its Details panel, then click the Budget tab.
Click Add Funding Source.
The Select Investment Item dialog is displayed.
Select the budget you want to use from the Select Budget lists. You can also use the search box to search for the budget you want.
The Investment Item list appears:
In the Investment Item list, find the investment you want to connect. Click an investment item's
Link button to connect it to the activity.
Link button may be unavailable for some investment items to indicate that they can't be connected to the activity. Whether an investment can be connected to a particular activity is controlled by the rules that have been set up in your Uptempo environment.
The Select Investment Item dialog closes. You are returned to the activity's Budget page, which now contains additional subsections that display spend data for the connected investment:
The subsections that are displayed correspond to the spend data categories that are configured in Uptempo Spend: by default, these are Planned, Expected, Committed, and Actual. In your environment, some of these subsections may not be visible, or they may have different names.
Click on a subsection to expand it and see the details of the connected investment:
To disconnect the investment from the activity, click
To view the details of the investment in Uptempo Spend, click
Optional: To connect additional investments to the activity, click Add funding source again and repeat steps 3 and 4.
Any further investments you connect are also displayed on the activity's Budget page.
Finish up:
If you're creating a new activity, finish creating the activity and click Submit to apply your changes.
If you're editing an existing activity, close the activity's Details tab to apply your changes.
The selected investments are now connected to the activity, and will be visible in spend reports and budgeting overviews.

If the activity is a point where plan performance data is to be captured:
Add the number of requests the activity is expected to generate.
In case you want to edit the distribution:
Select Monthly or Quarterly (distribution) in the Distribute Results dropdown.
Click Edit distribution.
Edit the number of inquiries per time range as desired.
The months or quarters with the planned inquiries are displayed.
The fields per month/quarter are editable.
Based on the funnel A model that represents the theoretical customer journey towards the purchase of a product or service, often visualized as stages from awareness to purchase. settings, the planned revenue projection is calculated.
Note: Editing the month/quarter fields will override the number in the Planned Inquiries field.